Christmas for me is always a difficult holiday to experience. Not because of Christmas itself, but because it just gets too busy for me to enjoy the holiday experience. This year I tried to scale way back (as far as the gifting went) and tried to enjoy the holiday season....stress-free. Ummmm I think it went much better!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas 2009
Posted by Debbie at 4:55 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Official Start.....Wrestling Season 2009
Official....because today is Kevin's first wrestling match for the 2009 season. Since school started in September, he has been working, training, dieting, building muscle, sacrificing sleep and running in the early morning hours.....basically doing all he can to get into top shape. Tonight we will see the results of his hard work!
Now I can't say I am a "Fan" of all this wrestling stuff. It's a guy thing....for sure. But I do have to say I have watched Kevin sacrifice much to accomplish his goals. He has to maintain a certain weight to qualify each time he wrestles. This means he does not get to eat like a "teenager" very often during wrestling season. Not fun. This year seems extra tough for some reason. His junior year in school is hard and demands extra time and effort to maintain a good grade point average for those college choices. He is rarely home....and when he is...he is tired.
This year Kevin is wrestling 112 on the Varsity Team. Yep, he is slim, but has some pretty good muscle goin' for him and hopefully some good moves. Of course there is no picture with this post.....No, Kevin will not cooperate with that! I am going to sneak in a few photos tonight just when he is preparing to wrestle. Oh...he'll love that! Soooo here's good luck to Kevin tonight against Brophy (is that the way you spell it?) Go Toros!
Posted by Debbie at 1:25 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
Turkey Day
As it goes....I don't really like Turkey. What do you do on Thanksgiving then? Actually, I took a vote from my kids.....the choice was turkey or steaks! Believe it or not the steaks won, hands down! Then the guilt sets in. It's Thanksgiving! Where's the turkey, where's the tradition? Will my grandchildren's memories be forever tarnished? Soooooo my guilt got the best of me.
I made a valiant attempt at a Thanksgiving turkey. I even tried something new to add a little excitement to the process. I decided to "brine" my turkey this year. Brining is suppose to make your turkey moist and tasty! I had some help from the internet and then some pointers from a business contact of my husband's that we had dinner with! I was pretty confident! Might I was a bit of an undertaking. I won't go into the details, but I don't know that I noticed any difference in my turkey this year. My husband commented as he was carving the turkey that it seemed quite moist. Hmmmmmm, don't think so! But, it was a beauty coming out of the oven! Good for a picture.
We planned a fun day together with all of my children and grandchildren. A big Thanksgiving feast, games and relays, a bike ride in beautiful weather, browsing over "Black Friday" Christmas ads, over-eating, and just relaxing outside while the kids played. It was a fabulous day together.
The "Highlight" of the day was some surprise "news" from Julie and Ryan. She hid a little message under my dinner plate. Yep....I was happy! I will just say it once (in public)....I have my fingers crossed for that little boy! Congrats!
competitions! They ran all kinds of races to get their prize!
(Oops and Livy is missing!)
They are all so sweet and so much fun to have over....I love em all!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Debbie at 7:52 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
A Planting We Will Go!
Ahhhhhhh This is my absolute FAVORITE time of year! The past week I have been busy in my garden (flowers, of course) and planting pots all around my yard. My winter grass is beautiful, my oranges are beginning to turn orange, the birds are singing and I am LOVING every minute of the fabulous weather. I knew there was a reason I lived in this dusty desert. It seems to come alive this time of year. When it is 115 degrees outside in July, I will come and look at these pictures.
My house is ready for visitors.....any takers????? Thanksgiving is coming Utah people!
Posted by Debbie at 4:26 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Sewing Retreat....Among Other Things!
For the past several years, my sisters and I have gotten together for a fun "sewing retreat!" It started off as just...."Let's meet up and sew a quilt together." Now, it has turned into a yearly expectation. I am the only sister that lives away so it does take some planning and preparation.
Over the years we have sewn some pretty fun, incredible quilts together. Each year we decide on the quilt we will be making. That is always a tough choice. If I may say.....there is always an unspoken competition between us. We always have to have the CUTEST! quilt. Sometimes we choose the same fabric and sometimes we are on our own. Whatever the case, we have a blast together...laughing, sewing, eating, staying up late and catching up on life's busy times.
All of my sisters are talented. Some more than others hehehe! My mom is primarily responsible for the sewing addiction that we all have. But it is a talent that we all enjoy together. (Most of us, that is!) I do have one sisters that is ohhhhhh, I will say a Career Woman! She giggles and scoffs at our need to "Pet" all the fabric that we come home with. She kindly rolls her eyes and really cannot tolerate our infatuation with the fabric "bug." But we do still love her!
These are some of the quilts we have made together over the years!
and sewn back together.
We made several unplanned trips to the fabric
store to get it "just right!"
the fabric. It took me awhile to finish this one
after I stowed it away in my cupboard.
This year we made a 30's quilt. Neither of my sisters had ever made one, so the decision was made. Truthfully, I was luke warm, as I have made several 30's quilts. But this one looked very cute and I was happy to use my scraps that I had accumulated over the years. Whatever we sew turns out to be so much fun! And this was no different, and yes, I was the last to finish!
Posted by Debbie at 5:23 PM 4 comments