Yesterday Sophie turned one. I went to her birthday celebration last night. Little did she know she was showered with presents for a reason. It was her birthday! Poor little Sophie was over-stimulated with presents, sisterly attention, a Nana and a Mom snapping photos, ooooos and ahhhhhs, new toys that grabbed her attention and a new little baby doll that called "Mama". Added to this was the fact that she has begun to walk and we were all coaxing her to display this new found talent as well. It was quite a night for little Sophie!
On Friday I walked into Target and past a doll aisle. All of a sudden my motion caused all these little baby dolls on the shelf to call out "Mama". They were so darling! I thought Sophie needed one, of course! Well, it was a hit! She wouldn't let go of it after she opened it. Us meanies (meaning Ryan and myself) tried to take it out of her arms....we all laughed at her reaction! She tugged right back and let out a little whine!She has her own little stroller to take her baby for a ride....I think Lucy will try to be a big help......(I think) Sophie's baby may come up missing!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sophie...She's One!
Posted by Debbie at 1:28 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Traveling Quilt
I wish I could say...."I'm almost finished!" Not even close! This quilt has traveled thousands of miles with me. Let's Switzerland, to Hawaii, to Texas, to Utah numerous times, to California a bunch, to New York, to Montana (twice), on a Mexican Cruise and various road trips I can't account for. You would think I would be finished!
This quilt will be special when I sew the last stitch. It all started in Houston, TX at the International Quilt Show. I found a booth with a specialty stamp that you actually stamp your fabric with. It gives you a 1/4 stitching line and a cutting line. So easy and fun. The only catch is that the quilt is best put together by hand stitching! A tedious and slow project. Just down my alley. I love the tedious nature of this project, it de-stresses me, although it will take me some years to finish. It is one of those projects that you work on occasionally when you have some sitting time. So I take it on vacations and road trips to pass the time.
I just returned from Hawaii and this little quilt project came with me. I worked on it alot....and I hated to put it away (thus the wrinkles). It is always in my fabric drawer waiting for the next trip away.
I have collected a full drawer of Civil War reproduction fabrics to use on this project. For some reason I absolutely love the reproduction fabrics (30's as well). They always catch my eye. This will turn out to be a very scrappy quilt....with no rhyme or reason for color choices. Those are the quilts I LOVE! I probably started this quilt 4 years ago.....and another 4 years will pass before I finish. Quilt On!
Posted by Debbie at 1:04 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Hawaii....A quick trip. Amy and Scot had a very sudden opportunity for a fast trip to Hawaii for Scot's work. A little phone call and I found myself planning and packing for a week in Hawaii to keep Amy and Zack company while Scot worked round the clock!
I am not one to travel, especially over the ocean, so I just had to close my eyes and go. I arrived in Honolulu safe and sound, on my own, trying to find out where to go.
Amy, Zack and I had a great time exploring the island on a limited budget and limited time. Those 2-year-olds will slow you down!
We decided to take it easy and do some things that Zack would enjoy as well. We had a list of sites and things we wanted to do with the time we had. I think my favorite thing was driving up to the North Shore and then continuing around the island. It was beautiful! Honolulu is a bit commercial, the place to go if you want to shop! I prefer the quiet side!
We took a little trip to the Aquarium that was close by. Zack was in heaven! So much to see for this little guy! I have to say there were a few incredible fish swimming around.
These trees were all over the island. They were huge...they remind me of Tarzan trees because they have vines hanging from them that you could swing from!
Posted by Debbie at 3:00 PM 6 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
I've Received A Scolding (several times)
A certain person, who shall remain nameless, wonders why I did not blog about a wonderful vacation in New York City in October. There really is not an excuse, except for time! But since I have all the time in the world (he he he) here goes! Read on.........................
In October of 2008 (wow..last year) Max and I took an exciting vacation to New York City. Max has always wanted to go....and yes, I was luke warm. I am not a traveler (shocker!) We were invited to go with some friends of ours who had some business in New York for a few days. Max jumped at the chance, of course!
We stayed at the Marriott Hotel in Times Square (after changing our original Hotel). It was truly a great room, worth the trade...I forget what floor we were on....but we were up there. We had a bit of a view of Times Square. Awesome at night!When Max travels he likes to see everything. He spends time mapping out the best sites, the best routes and we go. The weather was perfect. I was surprised!
On Sunday afternoon we went to Central Park, rented bicycles and rode the complete loop....I think it was 6 miles or so. It was really quite beautiful. The leaves were turning, something we do not get to see very often. It was an invigorating ride!
We visited several New York landmarks while we were, we wanted to do some shopping. Every morning we got going as quick as we could because we did not have much time. One highlight was riding the subways. That was crazy! I was happy to remember that I have a car at home in the garage. It was fun to experience while on vacation, but everyday???? I think not!One of our most interesting excursions was visiting Ground Zero. It was hard to imagine what went on there. Of course the re-building was taking place. It was a huge project and interesting to see the whole site. We also visited a small church right next to Ground Zero that was not damaged at all. It had several displays and pictures of people who lost their lives and evidence of those that had participated in the rescue efforts. Very interesting and heart wrenching.
It was fun to actually see Rockefeller Center. You hear and see so much about it on T.V. It was really there with the television studios and fun little shops surrounding it. We bought Kevin a T-shirt there....The Office, of course.
The highlight of our trip was the Broadway Play...."The Lion King." It was fabulous!
I could see it again! The costuming and characters were so well done....such imagination and creativity!We made it to the top of the Empire State Building. We got a great tip before we left for New York. We called ahead and bought advance tickets....they were a little more expensive but well worth it. No kidding....we got to the top in about 8 minutes. We did not have to wait in one line...and believe me there was a line! The view from the top was breath-taking...kinda reminded me of Sleepless In was dusk and everything!
Other City Sites.....................
Posted by Debbie at 1:14 PM 7 comments
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