FUN!!! This year's family vacation in Newport was especially memorable. The weather was perfect and the company was a blast! We love having Shelley and Jason join us. Really.....there is nothing better than sitting on the beach with all the kids, taking in all the sites,(and there are many) eating treats, donut runs, drinking Diet Coke and laughing! Here is our vacation in pictures....with a few remarks!
The rage this year for the grandkids (especially Emma) was catching Starfish. They would walk out on the rocky jetty and find them between the rocks. Emma was the "Chief"
A pretty sweet relationship developed between these two little kiddos. They became pretty inseparable during our Newport trip. "Goose and Drewby"
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Newport 2009
Posted by Debbie at 3:38 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Posted by Debbie at 6:31 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Livy's Blessing Day
Today was Olivia's Blessing Day. We arrived a little early at Amy's house to help out and dress Livy in her Sunday best! Amy had worked very hard to have everything ready for this special day. She is a little organizer!
Olivia had the sweetest dress on, a darling bow in her hair and little gold shoes. She has changed a little bit the last few weeks....very tiny....but doesn't look like a newborn baby anymore. She is an absolute doll! Definitely a Gregory baby.
Scot's parents were here from California for the blessing. We missed Ryan, Julie and their family, but the rest of us listened to a sweet blessing given by Scot. During the meeting both Amy and Scot bore their testimonies. After church Amy fixed a wonderful brunch. Some new recipes I might add! They will be used in Newport for a new treat! Banana/Vanilla Pancakes???
I couldn't be more thrilled with my children's families. Lindsey and Ryan recently blessed little Tanner. These little cousins are close in age and oh, so sweet! Tanner is all boy! He has the Bennett blood....we are expecting some tough little boys. I was looking at Lindsey's children during Sacrament meeting and thinking how absolutely beautiful they are.....busy, but beautiful! We have certainly been blessed with a wonderful family....we are so very lucky!
Posted by Debbie at 3:18 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Better Than A Resort
It all started last night.....A 4th of July Party! We were having the usual guests, our kids and grandkids, but this year the guest list started growing. My neighbor called and suggested a little my house. Then we started thinking of other people who might be in town. We got brave and started inviting! (A little fact.....our neighborhood is a ghost town during the 4th of July weekend....nobody wants to be here to experience the triple digits....outside!)
The calls began and we ended up with a crowd. Plenty of food, TONS of FUN, a super social event, a hard fought water basketball game, relays, diving board games that equaled endless pool time. (11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) Actually....the weather was GREAT! Hot, but not suffocating.
I will say this is one of the BEST 4th of July celebrations ever! The company was exceptional! The Stinson Family, The Keller Family, The Hamblin Family and the Gregorys from California stopped our brood! (Ryan and Julie where are you??) We ate and played hard.....which means no fireworks for me tonight! It's time for some ZZZZZZZZZ's!
Posted by Debbie at 8:15 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
A QUICK TRIP to our neighboring State was a much needed rest from the cruel demands of everyday life! That says it all! My hubby and I were excited to have some R & R so we took the opportunity to escape while Kev was at Wrestling Camp in California.
Before I go any farther I have a confession.....I only took two pictures the whole time I was there. It was kinda pressure...thus, the goofy, lame pictures!
We drove to Santa Monica and stayed at the Marriot Hotel on the Beach. Beach you say???? It was chilly... For us anyway. Despite the "winter" weather we had a great time. We found plenty to keep us busy. Riding bikes on the beach (Brrrrr!), Movies, Shopping, Eating, Eating and Eating, A visit to the Getty Museum, some time in the Los Angeles Temple, and strolling the streets of Santa Monica Beach. It was crowded and busy and yes, there were some crazies on the beach and in the water!The time together was well spent. We had tons of fun! At the end of our Va-ca we drove to Riverside and picked up Kevin at his Camp. He was "beat-up" from all the wrestling matches he had to participate in but ended up taking 4th place in his weight class. A pretty successful, grueling week for him, but hopefully he learned some new "moves!"
Although we "shivered" in Santa Monica, we drove home to triple digit temperatures at home. Hmmmmmm.... Frankly, it felt kinda good......! Anyone game for a vacation in Arizona???
A few frustrating facts about California....Traffic, Crowds, and more traffic! A good place to vacation....but I wouldn't wanna live there!
Posted by Debbie at 1:00 PM 1 comments