As it goes....I don't really like Turkey. What do you do on Thanksgiving then? Actually, I took a vote from my kids.....the choice was turkey or steaks! Believe it or not the steaks won, hands down! Then the guilt sets in. It's Thanksgiving! Where's the turkey, where's the tradition? Will my grandchildren's memories be forever tarnished? Soooooo my guilt got the best of me.
I made a valiant attempt at a Thanksgiving turkey. I even tried something new to add a little excitement to the process. I decided to "brine" my turkey this year. Brining is suppose to make your turkey moist and tasty! I had some help from the internet and then some pointers from a business contact of my husband's that we had dinner with! I was pretty confident! Might I was a bit of an undertaking. I won't go into the details, but I don't know that I noticed any difference in my turkey this year. My husband commented as he was carving the turkey that it seemed quite moist. Hmmmmmm, don't think so! But, it was a beauty coming out of the oven! Good for a picture.
We planned a fun day together with all of my children and grandchildren. A big Thanksgiving feast, games and relays, a bike ride in beautiful weather, browsing over "Black Friday" Christmas ads, over-eating, and just relaxing outside while the kids played. It was a fabulous day together.
The "Highlight" of the day was some surprise "news" from Julie and Ryan. She hid a little message under my dinner plate. Yep....I was happy! I will just say it once (in public)....I have my fingers crossed for that little boy! Congrats!
competitions! They ran all kinds of races to get their prize!
(Oops and Livy is missing!)
They are all so sweet and so much fun to have over....I love em all!
Happy Thanksgiving!