Two of my grandkids start school tomorrow (Emma and Kate).....August 6th! Just so you out-of-towners are aware, it is about 108 degrees during the day and it really doesn't cool off much at night. It is still, technically, the middle of summer. My heart goes out to the little girls coming home on the bus in that heat....little, or no air conditioning. When they get off the bus their faces are RED! (If I remember correctly from my younger days with small children!)
This calls for some type of celebration! Tonight Emma picked the place (coincidentally it was my favorite!) Nielsen's Frozen Custard....dinner, ice cream and quarters for the prize machine for all those un-lucky kids that start school in the next week........believe it or not that includes everyone in Mesa. Riley and Maddie start on Monday along with Kev-Bo. What happened to 3 full months of glorious summer? These kids are getting jipped (spelling?)
It's good my grandkids do not read by blog because in reality they are all sooooo excited to begin the new school year. They love to meet their new teachers and see all their friends again! So what do I know???????
I did get the chance to eavesdrop on their conversations in the car. Below are some pretty tell-tale conversations!!!!
Riley to Emma: We will be best friends until we are nineteen years old and then we will call each other and find out where each other is going to live. Won't that be cool?
Emma: I don't want to be an old lady when I go to heaven.
Maddie: I don't want to look at a bald grandpa when I get old.
Riley to Kevin: Sweet dude! (We all knew that was Ryan coming out in her)
Riley and Emma: Discussing that they are for sure going to live in California when they get married. They are sure their husbands will want to do that. Then they can go to the beach all the time.
Maddie and Kate: We can live next door to each other when we get married. That will be fun!
Riley: In the Restaurant....with attitude like I have never seen......"I keep bleedin'....keep keep bleedin' in love!"
Notice all the ideas came from Riley about where to live, etc...that's funny. She is 7 going on 27! I really wish I could have seen her singing the song...oh wait, I can actually picture it perfectly in my mind. Love you Riley!
I'm glad I am not starting school. sweet dude.
Why is my daughter talking about getting married???? And why does she think she can live in California? She will be living within a set radius of me, of course!!! I think we need to have a little talk...
Thanks for the fun. They loved it!
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