For sure this is my favorite show! Am I the only die hard viewer? This reality show is the best! Don't know if they can top last season....but, I'm in for the ride.
I finished watching the season premiere today (DVR is a great thing). I'm waiting for my favorite player to emerge. I have to say I am glad Jillian was voted off.......what were they thinking when they began to pick their team...hmmmm some serious mistakes! Stay Thursday nights are booked!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Any Survivors Out There???
Posted by Debbie at 9:55 PM 4 comments
Drew's Big Day
I remember the day Lindsey told me she was pregnant. She waited to tell me until she was about 4 months along.....she waited because she wanted to see if she was having a boy! She did every thing in her power to make sure she had a boy. She did some reading on the subject Hmmmmm What that was....I don't know.....but it worked!
Drew is a little Stud. He is going to break some hearts when he grows up. Right now he is a Daddy's boy and I expect if Ryan has his way....he will be a football player. Actually, I hope he is a sporty kid because I look forward to watching!
Drew has two older sisters. They pretty much boss him around......don't think that will be for long.....he may have a new brother or sister soon....oooopps! did I make an announcement? Lindsey, could you please verify???
Drew loves the computer! He is constantly asking to get on it. He loves video games. He loves to swim in our pool. He is getting a little scary. He just jumps in now and somehow makes it to the side. He is a little dare devil and we really have to watch him around the pool. He is a little too brave! He is such a sweet, sensitive little guy. No one could love this little boy more than his mom. Lindsey finally got her little man. We love you Drew!
Posted by Debbie at 9:19 PM 3 comments
Labels: Family birthdays
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Parable of the Razor
I have a story to of those where you could say "I told you so"......but that's not nice! Nor is it something a 15-year-old teenage boy wants to hear from his mother. has not been said. Instead I am contemplating how I can turn the tables and have a lesson learned. Or better yet an open mind that includes listening to your parents without rolling your eyes.
Kevin is a typical teenager. Every Friday and Saturday night is spent "hanging with your friends" basically doing nothing. Kevin is teetering between being too young to drive and date (but wanting to) and being too old to stay home and spend his time with the "Fam." A difficult age, for sure. However, he is quite obedient after he has voiced his loud opinion.
He is my last child at home and I am "overly" protective and watchful. In our neighborhood there is a huge group of kids his age. Generally they are good kids. Kevin has a definite group of friends who are always together. Here's the story.....
Last week Kevin and his friends were "hanging out" all day Saturday. Going from place to place trying to find something to do. Evidently they have a friend who is a bit older who has his license. This licensed driver was with them on Saturday and had access to a car to drive Kevin and his friends where they needed to go. When Kevin asked if he could go with this driver I said NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! First of all, I don't know this boy, 2nd....he is a new driver, 3rd..... Does he even know how to drive, 4th..... there is a law in AZ about how many un-related kids can drive in a car with a new driver, 5th......It was just out of the question!
So the story goes.....whenever Kevin's friends decided to go somewhere else....Max or I would go pick up Kevin and take him to the next destination.....yeah, I know we are geeks but read on.
Kevin was surprisingly obedient. This is the funniest thing. At one point Kevin called me and said...."You can't believe what I am doing" "I am riding a dang razor to Rosa's to eat with my friends because I couldn't get in the car with them"....then he hung up! I was on the grass outside laughing so hard. It was one of those razors that you have to push with one leg to go. And yes, it was freaking hot outside! For a moment I felt sorry for him but Hey, he's a kid.
On Sunday I started to re-think my position. Kevin's friends are starting to drive and ultimately he will have to start riding with them at some point. Hmmmm what to do. I will have to think about this.
Fast forward to this weekend. Hanging out again on Saturday with the same friends. The licensed driver was not around this weekend. I volunteered to be the driver and picked Kevin and his friends up several times to take them where they wanted to go. I was grateful we did not have the same problem this weekend. I am totally willing to take them wherever they want to go. And I do make myself available. Well last night Kevin and his friends had talked about going to a girl's party to watch a movie outside. I had no problem with that. Kevin had been gone most of the day and early in the evening Max said, "I hope Kevin will come home early tonight" "Will you call him and ask him to" I said..."No, you call him and just ask him"
Well, it wasn't done. Then, an hour or so later Max said again...."I want Kevin to come home early tonight I am going to call him" So he did......he suggested to Kevin that he come home an hour or so early. But did not say he had to. Of course, Kevin announces his opinion, never saying yes or no. About half an hour later...Scot calls Kevin and says come home and watch the ASU came with me. (Keep in mind this is never the case.....Kevin NEVER comes home early!) Max and Scot did not know that each of them had called Kevin separately to come home early.
Well, about 9:00 Kevin comes strolling in the first words are "What are you doing home so early?" He says "I don't know....guess I will watch the game with you guys" Shockaroo! I didn't know all this calling had gone on myself.
What's the point you wonder????? On the way home from the party all of Kevin's friends got in a car accident. They were in a car with a newly licensed driver (not the same boy as last week) and he ran a stop sign. Another car T-boned them. Two of Kevin's friends were injured and taken to the hospital....the others were found to be okay. Luckily, no one was seriously injured.....but I about DIED! Kevin would have definitely been in that car.
The funny thing is that McCall was the one to call and tell Kevin about the accident.....thanks girlie girl. Beau doesn't waste a minute! He was one of the boys injured. Anyway....I have goosebumps. I feel like Max was so impressed to make the call and ask Kevin to come home early. I hope Kevin had that little voice in his head telling him to listen-up. He was protected....I am glad nobody was seriously injured and I hope something good comes from this experience.
The moral of this story it....Obedience bring blessings. Riding a razor was never so good!
Posted by Debbie at 3:10 PM 8 comments
Labels: Kevin
Monday, September 15, 2008
Come Quilt With Me!
Today was our Anniversary Quilt Day! Our quilt group has been together for four years...we have such a great time together. We met today at Heidi's home for a fabulous time, a delicious lunch, and a few hours of sewing. Heidi always goes over the top to make sure our time is well spent. So it is time for a little quilt talk!
The long summer days produced many quilt projects. This post is full of some incredible quilts made by some talented quilters. If you would like to see, read on........Unfortunately, my finished quilts are up in Utah waiting to be quilted! I feel left out! But they have been shown in previous posts! Anyway, we have so much fun oooooooing and ahhhhhhhhing over each other's projects! So here comes the quilt show!
It is for the former YW President in
her ward. Kim is the new Young Women's
President.....woop! woop!
Christmas Gifts for friends. They are sooooo cute!
it the squares fray!
This is a Houston project that a few
of us took on. It is a technique called
square in a square. It is hard
to learn and remember. We all spent some
time and money on this. Elaine and Michelle
finished....what about the rest of us?
getting married in two weeks. She always
makes them a Log Cabin Quilt...Cute!
daughter for her wedding....What
can I say? Her girls are so dang
It honestly turned out soooo cute. The colors are so great!

Posted by Debbie at 8:06 PM 10 comments
Labels: Quilting
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thumbs Up for Marriage!
Tonight I did my duty! I spent two hours as a volunteer at a phone bank calling voters on behalf of Proposition 102...(Yes for Marriage)! This Proposition will be on our ballot in November in the State of Arizona. I feel a duty to actively participate in efforts to help pass this Proposition to preserve marriage between a man and a woman in our State.
Posted by Debbie at 9:45 PM 3 comments
Labels: family
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Emma!

Today is Emma's birthday. She turned 7 years old. I remember the day she was born....or should I say...the day after she was born, September 11th! That kind of set the stage for the next 3 or 4 months! I try not to remember them! For some reason Emma was a nightmare. Oh she was beautiful, but WOW....she really put her mom through the ringer. She cried continually for weeks, never slept, always spit up. She went from person to person, all of us trying to calm her. I can honestly say I have never heard tell of a new baby like Emma. Lindsey, her mom, had her hands full. It was a difficult time for our whole family as we tried to help Lindsey and Ryan through the tough spots.
Posted by Debbie at 8:36 PM 5 comments
Labels: Family birthdays
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Master Baker
Max decided he was going to head up Family Night tonight with his cookie bake-off. Let me give you the history behind this. Maury Tanner is famous in our ward for his oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. He is always baking them and taking them around. We are often the recipient of a plate of hot cookies. Maury always offers to teach you to make them if you call for an appointment on Sundays..... (I think he is being funny!) But seriously, everybody clamors for his oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. When he brings them over to our house, Max goes so far as hiding them in his drawer to get his fair share!
Max finally decided he was going to try and make them. He got the recipe and made a batch while I was in Utah last week. ( I have never seen him make cookies in my life.....this was a first!) He needed something to keep him busy while I was gone! I had a taste when I got home....I have to say they weren't too bad.
Tonight he decided he would make another attempt. He totally made them on his own! He follows the directions to the last letter. (I am giggling) I guess he got special instructions from the Chief! Well, I have to say they are delicious. Don't worry that they have a pound of butter in wonder!Here's the recipe.....need I say to follow it EXACTLY!
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 pound butter.....softened to room temperature (don't cheat)
4 temperature (be sure)
2 cups C&H light brown sugar...firmly packed
2 cups C&H white sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla
4 cups flour
5 cups Old Fashioned Oats
1-2 cps of Girradelli's chocolate chips
If butter does not have time to REACH ROOM TEMPERATURE you can microwave for 20 seconds. Try the room temperature thing though!
In mixer add butter and sugars together and beat until creamy. Then add your eggs one at a time until thoroughly incorporated. Stop mixer and sprinkle in salt, soda, powder and vanilla. Slowly blend together and when ready alternately add flour and oats until well mixed. Add chocolate chips.
Bake in pre-heated oven at 400 for 11 to 12 minutes on cookie sheet. Cookies need to be golden and slightly soft in the middle. Time may vary a little with each oven. Remove from oven and let sit for 3 minutes before removing to cooling rack. Enjoy!
Posted by Debbie at 8:37 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Flying, Family, Fabric, Fun, Finished!
It was a must! A little trip to Utah to visit my mom. I FLEW ...just a little break from the Arizona heat and a chance to visit my favorite quilt shops! That works!
I had a great time in Utah these past few days. I had a chance to spend some time with my Mom and FAMILY. I think I wore Mom out! She looked pretty tired today when I left. I don't think she is use to the chaos that comes with visitors. Although we spent a lot of down time....we did our fair share of running. We took a day and went fabric favorite! We ended up at "Material Girls", a fabulous shop in Riverton (I think). Oh my was so FUN! Of course we found a pattern and FABRIC for our next get-together in October.
Lunch is a must. We stopped at Kneaders and had a great sandwich. We all got desserts to taste. They had some pretty tasty things. Since we have all started to blog.....we are always taking pictures! Linda is always trying to out do me!!!! You know it's true!!!!
I had the chance to help Mom make a quilt she has been wanting to do. She is really getting the hang of this quilting thing. We almost finished the blocks. She has one more set to do. She will have to post a picture of her finished project. I am waiting Mom...... Cari is also doing the quilt thing. I took some time and helped her get a few things done to finish up a couple of quilts she is working on. Plus......look at this cute little girl...Cari's youngest Halie. She is a doll! Cari had to help Linda put up some signs for their upcoming Garage Sale (you guys are so funny) so I took Halie to lunch with me. She is a sweetie. (Actually, how do you spell her name?)
Posted by Debbie at 6:00 PM 7 comments
Labels: Vacations