Today is Emma's birthday. She turned 7 years old. I remember the day she was born....or should I say...the day after she was born, September 11th! That kind of set the stage for the next 3 or 4 months! I try not to remember them! For some reason Emma was a nightmare. Oh she was beautiful, but WOW....she really put her mom through the ringer. She cried continually for weeks, never slept, always spit up. She went from person to person, all of us trying to calm her. I can honestly say I have never heard tell of a new baby like Emma. Lindsey, her mom, had her hands full. It was a difficult time for our whole family as we tried to help Lindsey and Ryan through the tough spots.
Fast forward 7 years.....Emma is the cutest, sweetest, little girl! She is beautiful and I love her! She is in 2nd grade now. Yesterday, I went and had lunch with her for Grandparent's Day. Her school invites the grandparents every year to sit in the lunch room with the students and have lunch together. After lunch we went to the Book Fair in the library and chose 2 books she wanted for her birthday. Then......I took her out of school to go get a pedicure for her Birthday. We had a fun time together! Emma's toes are just fancy!
Last Saturday Emma had a birthday party at her house. She and her friends had a "Late Night". They watched a movie, had popcorn and banana splits! Max and I dropped in for the fun....she got a whole crew of "Webkins" Today I stopped in to visit and give her a present and she was bouncing off the walls. She was so excited that it was her birthday!

Things that I love about Emma
*She grew out of her crying stage!!!!
*She loves art things....paper, pencils, glue, paints, crayons...she is creative
*She likes to read. She is beginning to read chapter books
*She is quite sporty.....I could say tom-boyish! She will be able to whack a softball
*She loves to swim and is a very good swimmer
*Zack loves her
*She is kind and takes good care of Drew
*She loves to eat! She doesn't turn anything down and cleans her plate!
Happy birthday Emma, I love you!
What a cute girl she is! I can say that Emma is on the TOP of the "Cool List" at our house. I don't think Riley will ever have a better friend. . . I love it.
I remember taking care of Emma a year and a half ago when Kate and Drew were in the hospital. I remember thinking she was such a GOOD kid. Seriously, she just always tried to help out and do what's right.
Happy Birthday Sweet Emma!
happy birthday to Emma! We just love her too! It's crazy how Lindsey and I have been friends for so long, but have never lived near each other until now. But it couldn't be better timing, so our girls can be friends! She's a doll!
Happy Birthday EmS! I remember walking the streets with her when she was that screaming baby & now she is losing teeth & beating us in foot races.
We love you Ems!
I love the toothless picture! What a cutie!! Lindsey and her darling pictures...I need her here!
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