I have a jumbled mess of things going through my mind....and sadly, not enough time to address them all! For the last three months I have been obsessed, concerned, confused, and interested in the on-going saga of Food Storage and Preparation. I have browsed the internet, asked knowledgeable friends, taken classes and just mulled it over in my mind. I am always frozen with the idea of What To Do???? It's all so confusing to me....probably because I just have not taken it seriously. Oh yes, I do have some food (wheat and such) stored...but now what? Should I just let it sit there???
I have some things to say! All kidding aside, I decided to get serious. I started by going to a class at a Bosch Store that teaches various skills in canning, making bread, and cooking with a pressure cooker. That really gave me some much needed motivation. That night I bought a great pressure cooker/canner that can be used for pretty much ANYTHING! I love it! The only problem that enters in here is Time! Who has time to sit home and pressure can all day?
This week I made it a priority! I found chicken breasts on sale at a local store (It is not worth canning chicken unless it is on sale) I bought a bunch and came home for a trial run. I had never thought of canning chicken before and I was a bit wary! I just closed my eyes and followed the directions! The pressure canner I bought made all the difference....it was soooo easy!
DONE! It was sitting all pretty on my shelf and I patted myself on the back.
In all honesty and truth.....it doesn't look real appetizing in the jar. My kids were scared that they might have to eat that stuff! So, the real question is how does it really taste? Trial run tonight.....I decided to make chicken quesadillas for the Fam. Can I just say that I had dinner ready in 15 minutes! Didn't have to think about cooking that chicken. For some reason I dislike doing that!
Amy wrinkled her nose when I mentioned that I was using my canned chicken tonight and Kevin was less than thrilled. But......we must eat what we have canned!
Okay, now for the taste test results.......I can honestly say it was DELICIOUS... No kidding, I opened the jar and took out a chunk. It was so moist and tender, it just pulled apart. I really was surprised, but more than that thrilled that it could turn out so well. I made Kevin and I a quesadilla and that's that! Success! I will definitely add to my supply. The great thing is that you can use it continually.....a great Food Storage Item!!!! Yes, I have a smile on my face.
An added bonus....Yesterday I was with Mom and she found an outrageous price on cartons of Strawberries! No kidding it was ridiculous....50 cents for a big carton of strawberries at the famous "Veggie Mart!" So.....why not bottle some strawberry jam? Mom, Lee and I had a crazy night last night bottling jam...... in lieu of watching Obama win the Presidency (Boo!) I have a little stash of yummy jam to sit right beside my chicken! Don't worry...I have more plans. My neighbor just brought over some pinto beans. I am working on a recipe! Hmmm so much more to do!
The point to this post is that it's time to get serious! Yes, yes, I know we have been told. I feel good that I am trying! Actually, I am having fun experimenting with new things.....some friends in my ward have been a huge help. I am glad I am surrounded by great people who are so helpful. I am posting the recipe for this canned chicken. Try it....you can't go wrong!
*Buy......Quart or Pint wide-mouthed jars. I used pints....it was enough chicken for our dinner tonight with a little left over! Really, a pint holds alot! A quart holds a ton! You would be surprised.
*Sterilize bottles and lids....keep lids hot in a pan during canning process.
*Wash your chicken well and cut off any extra fat.
*Lay out chicken breasts on cookie sheet lined with wax paper for easy access during canning.
*Begin by putting one whole chicken breast in jar...you don't need to cut it up. Depending on the size of your chicken breasts, put more in until your chicken is one-inch from the top of jar. (Note: after one whole chicken breast is put in you may have to cut one in half to fit in the jar ) A quart holds more.
*Put in Salt. 1/2 teaspoon for pints. 1 teaspoon for quarts.
*You are ready to put on your lids. BE SURE to wipe off mouth of jar with clean, damp cloth before you put on lids. It needs to be very clean and clear of any chicken goo! Put your lid and ring on securely.
*Time for the Canner. Put approximately 1-inch of water in the bottom of your pressure canner. Put in the aluminum shelf to hold your jars above the bottom of the pan. Put in six pint jars of chicken. (I have not done quarts yet, I am not sure how many it holds...sorry) pint jars cannot touch each other. Bring water to a boil. Put your canner lid on and seal. Wait until it reaches 15 pounds of pressure (all canners are different...read your instructions) Begin timing your chicken at this point. 75 minutes @ 15 pounds of pressure for pint jars. 90 minutes @ 15 pounds of pressure for quart jars.
I am so doing this. . . Glad to hear it works.
Nicole and I just bought a pressure canner today!! Funny thing we are on the move to can. We actually bought black beans and intend on canning them..scary I may call for advice! Such a great post!! You can count on mom to find a deal and better yet to always make good jam!
I can attest to the jam being delicious! Thank you so very much. It was a bright spot in an otherwise depressing day!
i can't wait to try it!
Wow! I'm going to call you the chicken lady. You go girl.
I have to say the chicken looks like a science experience in the jar...BUT it is DELICIOUS! Swear.
Debbie, I have to say I am very Impressed! Way to go!!
Pretty impressive Debbie... hope our turns out as well!
I am jealous about the great price on strawberries. Tell grandma to get back here, I need her to find the good deals here :)
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