Well, I knew this day would come. My house is quiet, uneventful, serene, full of men, and I'm a bit teary. No more crumbs on the floor, plastic Halloween place mats (even though that Holiday is long gone), sippy cups that take up one whole shelf, toys scattered in my back yard, a black car parked in a precarious place (yes, I hit it TWICE!), wash on the floor that isn't mine, Lion King playing on my Family Room T.V., and sweet little Zacky with his dog and monkey. What's to be happy about?
Amy, Scot and Zack moved out yesterday. While it was high time (that is not a complaint) I still would love to have them around. Why can't you live with your parents forever? I'm good with that! We got along famously. It was down right easy....so why get rid of a good thing? It's hard to get back to reality. Kevin and I both commented this morning.....We miss Amy and Scot!
Who wouldn't miss this little face?
Okay, we are all grown-up and can cope with reality. But this one is hard. I was starting to think Zack would be around forever! Kev is now an only child again. He has to live with the old couple and try and be happy. Amy filled the gap quite well. She was downright helpful. She filled in when I couldn't and visa versa. Scot was the resident handy man. We had a great thing going. I was a little nervous this morning when I realized it was just Kev and me. Do I need to entertain him now? The silence is hard to ignore. Amy is one in a million.....yeah, I am teary!

But really.....enough of the Boo Hoos, we are thrilled Amy and Scot are in their new house. It is nice and cozy and everyone showed up to help move the Gregory's to their new abode. So now we all have to adjust to new things, new places, new jobs???? and Amy....well....start cleaning that house, cooking all your dinners, doing all your dishes, paying all your bills...yep...on your own! We love you guys! See you for dinner!
Aww! Sad day! Scot & I were laughing as we left your house tonight thinking it was so weird to pack up & go "home." We wished we could have put Zack down & then hung out & watched AFV & laugh the night away...instead, we are unpacking box after FREAKING box!!!
Plus, ask Kevin if he noticed how Beau was headed to his brother's house...they just live down the street maybe Beau could give Kev a ride! :) We need some excitement around here!
Okay. . . okay. . . okay. We'll take our turn and move in now. . . but you and Max may have to move upstairs!
It's so sweet to see how well ya'll got along. Families are the best!! I hope everyone gets back to reality safely!! ha
I am trying to get my kids out. two are gone and two to go. I need a quiet moment. It is fun to see your house Amy... Hope you get it comfy for our next visit. You are the best. I wish you could move in with me next to help finish raising McCall and Austin and quite frankly Lacee and Dallin as well. Deb you are cute to have them live with you. Zach is darling. Well just you Kev and Max. We will come down and make a sonic run... love ya
Gosh I am a little teary just reading...I can relate all to well. With Katie moving back home Meg has been in heaven. She quietly creeps downstairs to have sister time. It's hard to entertain them and really not sure Meg even wants us too. Gosh we should of quickly had another sibling for them...what were we thinking? PS.....remember the night you realized you were preg with Kev? I remember that all too well...so funny!!
I loved the pictures and the comments. So happy for Amy to get in her new home. Now... do you have room for two!!! I cannot tell you how much I long to be down there. I need a week to go to Rose's, eat at In and Out, Go out to the markets and replace the two handbags that were lost on the trip home (fell off the trailer), pick some wonderful oranges off the trees.. (boy, do I miss that!), just generally breathe the warm Mesa air! Oh, and yes, catch a couple of movies with you Deb. It has been dismal here with the weather! Need I say more??
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