Time....where does it go? I always have good intentions to keep up with my blogging efforts. However, this week was much too busy. So I am playing catch-up and posting all my fun activities and goings on this last week!
Do you ever have so many things scheduled in one day that you can't do any one of them really well? That about described my day on Tuesday. Let's see....I had to make dinner for a family in our ward, attend a bridal shower, buy a bridal gift for myself as well as my neighbor, go to the gym, go visiting teaching, attend Emma's school program, and get Kevin's haircut. Most of these things needed to be accomplished within a 2-hour window. I was crazy! They were all accomplished by dashing in and out...not really enjoying any one of them completely.
My only regret is that I did not get to see any of Emma's program. I hurried.... I got there as the last line was just said....Emma's line! Dang! But I smiled and took pictures and gave Emma a big hug! She looked so darling in her costume and the stage was decorated so cute. Those school programs are so clever. I am so sad I missed it. I left discouraged that life can be so busy!!!On Wednesday, Shelley showed up in town with Jason and some friends. We had a last minute lunch as Rosa's before they left for the airport. She certainly came at the right time. The weather here is hard to beat. It was fun to lunch and visit and meet her friends.
Mom left this week to go back to Salt Lake. We had a good time together....movies and lunches! Unfortunately, she had to battle some sickness that slowed her down a bit!
Friday was my favorite day. I spent the day with my grandkids! It was Julie's day to run an incredible relay race from Prescott to Mesa. I don't even know the details (I'm waiting to read her blog)....it just sounds fun and...hard! She has trained for this opportunity for a few months. Quite an accomplishment! I was on tap to tend her kids for the day. After picking Maddie up from the bus, we got lunch and went to Freestone Park with Amy, Zack and Lindsey's kids. (Lindsey was at the Dr.) It was a beautiful day and the kids loved it! They have a train that goes around the park and some little rides that any kid would love! Our were no exception! We had so much fun....I just love these kiddos. There is really nothing better than spending some time with my grandkids! They are a Hoot!
We came back to my house and had naps and the older kids played. I sat on my back porch and just enjoyed the day with them coloring, eating and telling secrets. I honestly did not want them to go home! Ryan came much too quickly to pick them up. They were as good as Gold! That little Sophie just chills........
This last week Kevin was battling with his weight. He was called up from the J.V. Team to wrestle on Varsity for the State Team Duals. He had let his weight go because his J.V. season was over...little did he know he would get this opportunity. So he spent the week not eating and working out to lose about 8 pounds. This is the part I dislike. It is brutal! I hate to see what they go through to make weight. He hung in there and wrestled Saturday with the Varsity Team in their attempt to take State. It was sooooo close. They lost to the first team they wrestled by one match, and unfortunately Kevin lost his individual match! But we were not sad....they did so well, much better than expected. The good thing is that Kevin has had a good taste of the competition and has some personal goals for next year. Someone specifically that he wants to beat. Motivation is always good!
Yeah for Emma losing a tooth! She had to be lovin' that. Thanks again for all your help with the kids.
Thanks for the lunch date. It was great to see you. Rosa's is the best...I have interesting friends?
You are going to be one busy grandma with two more little ones almost here....more programs more tending little ones...what better things to fill our time with. I am ready for a new baby in our family... ho hum.... no one producing. Cute little toothless Emma
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