Happy Day....it is Max's Birthday!
This guy wears many hats! Husband, Father, Bishop, Financial Provider, Counselor, Grandpa, School Car Pool Driver, Lawyer Man, Wrestling Rah Rah Man, Cookie Maker, Steak Cooker, Wanna Be Tennis Player, Exercise Dude (spinning), Pool Basketball Boy, Ping Pong Partner, Loan Officer, and.....He's His Own Man! (he he he)
It has virtually been a roller coaster these past 6 years as he has served as Bishop of our Ward. He is fabulous! Word has it that he is the longest running Bishop in this Stake of ours.....and no release yet! He is constantly busy with the duties that go along with his calling. We have been the beneficiaries of wonderful blessings and have made many long-lasting friendships during his "bishoping!" Our Ward LOVES Him....and so do I.
He is a great husband and father. Really, he has made so many sacrifices in his family's behalf. Frankly, he is worn out, but still keeps going. What a guy! We all love him soooo much.
Happy Birthday to our One and Only!
A few pictures of favorite memories with our family.....Switzerland, Newport and Montana!
Simply put. . . he's the greatest.
(I think the cow picture should be framed on a wall. What the heck!)
i think i will just second julie's comment...especially the part about the cow picture finding a framed spot on the wall.
happy birthday dad. you're the coolest...and the greatest too. love you.
Happy Birthday Max! What fun pics of all your many vacations and fun together! Jess really admires you!
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