Monday, March 3, 2008

Oranges Anyone?

Who can live in Arizona and not love the oranges? We moved to Mesa about 11 (?) years ago. When we purchased our home, we had no idea that we would be so lucky. We had lived in Phoenix for about 10 years prior and did not know about the novelty of having your own orange trees. Well, we have about 12 orange trees on our property. What a treat! We look forward to November. That is when we can start picking! We have navel oranges, so they are especially sweet and yummy! We eat them, we juice them, we give them away, Kevin sells them, the neighborhood kids throw them, the grandkids love to pick them, the yard guys hate them, the birds love them, Zack has just discovered them and we have tons of them! They look so pretty in the winter just hanging on your trees. Family visitors from Utah always love to have a few fresh oranges off the tree. They are not use to that. This last week I was tending Zack and I just let him have at peel and all. Isn't that what Nana's are for???


{B}dreamy said...

Oh Debbie, I'm so glad you're blogging a little more regularly! And I love reading what a proud Nana you are. You should be, because your grandkids are dang cute! *B