Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And The Winner Is!!!

We all knew it would come to this! President Obama? I'm wondering what his Presidency has in store for our Country? I have to admit I am a little worried about the next four years. I am not sure what direction he will go? What does he know about running a Country? For some reason he just scares me. I hope he feels some responsibility to do what is best and right for our Country. There are certainly a lot of people that believe in him....why????

I, on the other hand, voted for John McCain. I thought he had a tremendous amount of experience and I honestly just trusted him more. He has served our Country for decades and made a huge sacrifice personally for the freedom of our country....he is committed! For me, that is a great start! On top of that I just felt like he knew the ropes and had some type of personal conviction to change things for the better. Yep....I am totally let down!!!

I know people wanted change......well, it is coming! We really do live in a great country. I hope Obama can keep it that way!

One bright note....Proposition 102 Passed!!!


Julie said...

If you want to look at the silver lining. . . Obama is a gifted speaker which will be a pleasant change from the tongue-tied Bush. For me personally, I'm wondering if I can escape to an island and come back in four years???