Thursday, November 13, 2008

High School Musical Review....Boyer Style!

The long-awaited debut of High School Musical 3 is here! What a perfect time for Nana to step in for a trip to the movies with her granddaughters....oh wait! The guys want to go?????? So we made it a family affair. Riley, Emma, Maddie and Kate were all excited to see Troy & Gabriella on the big screen. is a really cute movie. So here is the "Review" from the little fans....and some big ones!

Riley said....I loved the part where Troy and his friend danced and sang "Boys On The Move" The girls looked so pretty when they were dressed up for Prom, I liked that part too.

Maddie said....I liked those parts too!

Emma said....Sharpay had cute clothes and she was funny! Her hair was pretty. I loved having popcorn at the movie.

Kate said....I loved all the singing. I was glad Riley and Maddie were there.

Ryan Boyer said...The basketball game....Hmmmm how creative!

Grandpa said....My favorite part was "The End"

Kevin...He was a reluctant movie goer....but I know he loved the Tree House Scene! (Note: When Amy and I could not remember Troy's girlfriend's name...Kevin piped up from across the room...."Her Name Was Gabriella!" Oh, I can't believe I said that!) Whatever Kev, you were glued to the big screen!

Nana said....Sharpay stole the show!

We are waiting on Julie's review!

Looks like we all gave it a "Thumbs Up!" Such a fun Family Movie!

I wish I would have taken a picture of all those little girls lined up in their seats at the movie theatre with treats on their laps, ready to watch the movie! Priceless!


Julie said...

My review. . . wish the clothing was a little more modest (does that sound like a mother of four girls?) but I loved the dancing. So fun to watch!!!!

Natalie said...

Sounds like fun. We still haven't seen it. Anth's not too excited about spending money on movies these days....such a drag, huh?

But get this....Elle doesn't care to see it. It's my Brig that wants to see it!! hee hee

Amy said...

I am bummed I had to miss the who will go with me???

The Sieverts said...

How Fun! My girls haven't seen it yet.