Thursday, January 8, 2009

So Far So Good!

The "Wrestling Season" is in full swing! Kevin has worked so hard. No more "Boys Night Out" at Buffalo Wild Wings and endless snacking on whatever looks good. Kevin has to watch his weight and it has been a challenge for him. Early morning runs at 5:15 a.m. and after school work-outs until 5:00 p.m. have pretty much dictated his extra time.

Individually, Kevin is undefeated (on the J.V. team). He had a couple losses when he had to wrestle on the Varsity team. But the experience has been good. He eats well and looks good and his Coach makes him work! Unfortunately, he does not have time to "hang" with his friends and waste time. I like that! We are proud of his hard work and dedication. Keep it up....


Amy said...

I have to say I have been impressed with the dedication & hard work...he obviously did get that from my example! haha.

Julie said...

1. Nice first pic. . . is it senior picture time? Actually I really like it.

2. Where are the new wrestling shoes?

3. Hats off to you Kev! 5:15AM-5:00PM? How do you do that? I've been getting up to run but I feel like a geezer after hearing that.

Linda said...

Way to go Kev that looks like an awesome pin!!