Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tanner's Quilt

Well, here it little quilt for Tanner, my newest grandson. I love to use the old-fashioned retro fabric when I make my baby quilts. I am pretty much addicted to that kind of "look." I hope my girls have a liking to it!

I saw this pattern at "Material Girls"....a favorite quilt shop. Unfortunately, it is located in Utah and I don't have much of a chance to get up there. So when I is exhilarating!! I bought the pattern and fabric ("Wee Play" and "Recess" by Sandy Klopp) with the intention of making it for Tanner. It kinda looks like a little boy quilt....don't you think? It was fun and satisfying to sit and "create"....ohhhh it is such a stress reliever!

This is the back of Tanner's quilt. I love to personalize my quilts....funky backs you know! However, I am running out of things to say! This is #9 grandchild and my brain is having trouble with the continuous "cuteness" factor!

Suffice it to say......I love my little guy! We are so happy to have him in our family. We are running a little short on boys!

Now here's a sneak peek!

Amy is having a little girl in about a week....Yikes! Yes, we have the baby thing going on down here in the desert! I am a little behind on Amy's quilt....but here is a little peek from the beginning. Again, the retro thing...."Snippets" from American Jane. I love it!


Amy said...

WHAT?!? You're behind on my quilt? Unacceptable! is looking super cute! Can't wait!!!

Although I have to say...Zack's will be difficult to beat. I love his.

Linda said...

Your quilt turned out so fun! You are pumping those babies out! Yea for Utah Quilt shops.

Michelle said...

Soooo cute! You are one talented cookie!